How to apply for Licence

How to apply for New Practicing LO / LCLP Licence (Permanent or Temporary)


  1. Send the application Form to the SCO Office through email at
  2. Applicants must ensure that they fill out the correct form that it is duly filled, and all the required documents are complete and attached while submitting. Submission of incomplete applications or documents can result in delay or rejection by the SCO.
  3. Provide a letter of good standing from your previous college of opticians.
  4. You must provide the college with a Criminal Record Check (CRC) from Sterling as outlined in Administrative Policy No 012.
  5. You must provide the college with a copy of Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) of a minimum of $ 1,000,000 (one million dollars).
  6. You must provide the college with your recent photograph in .jpg or .jpeg format with a neutral background along with a copy of Canadian government-issued photo identification.


  1. You will receive an email from the SCO informing you of the acceptance or rejection of your application. You will be informed within 5 business days.
  2. Once your application has been accepted, SCO will contact you for payment of fees.
  3. You must pay licence fees either through e-transfer or credit card by providing a credit authorization form or cheque along with the Registration fees.
  4. Licence will be dispatched to your business address through Canada Post mail.
  5. Your continuing education credits must be up to date before renewal and renewal must be done online only through the members' hub.
  6. You can provide information on your credits or continuing competency assessment done in your previous province.
How to apply for a Restricted LO / LCLP Licence


  1. Send the application Form to the SCO Office through email at
  2. Applicants must ensure that they fill out the correct form that it is duly filled, and all the required documents are complete and attached while submitting. Submission of incomplete applications or documents can result in delay or rejection by the SCO.
  3. Graduates moving from another province must provide their results or transcript after graduation from the Opticianry program.
  4. You must provide the college with a Criminal Record Check (CRC) from Sterling as outlined in Administrative Policy No 012.
  5. You must provide the college with a copy of Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) of a minimum of $ 1,000,000 (one million dollars).


  1. You will receive an email from the SCO informing you of the acceptance or rejection of your application. You will be informed within 5 business days.
  2. Once your application has been accepted, SCO will contact you for payment of fees.
  3. You must pay restricted licence fees either through e-transfer or credit card by providing a credit authorization form or cheque along with the Registration fees.
  4. SCO will process your application and issue you a licence within 5 business days.
  5. Licence will be dispatched to your business address through Canada Post mail.
  6. Your continuing education credits should be up to date before renewal and renewal must be done online only through the members' hub.

How to apply for Non-Practising Status

STEP 1:        

  1. Inform the SCO by filling out the application form for a change of status form (Practicing to Non-practicing).
  2. Applicants must ensure that they fill out the correct form that it is duly filled and that all the required documents and declarations are complete and attached while submitting. The form along with all the documents shall be sent by email to

STEP 2:  

  1. SCO will inform you of the receipt of the application and your status update within 5 business days. After confirmation, you need to make an application through the member's hub by logging into your profile and selecting the non-practicing renewal option.
  2. Please ensure you submit the declaration and undertaking to the college while doing a non-practising renewal.
  3. It is advised that you maintain your continuing education credits in order to return to practice.

How to renew Practicing Licence within 3 years of Practice

STEP 1:  

  1. Inform the SCO by filling out the application form for returning to practice.
  2. Applicants must ensure that they fill out the correct form that it is duly filled and that all the required documents and declarations are complete and attached while submitting. The form along with all the documents shall be sent by email to
  3. You must provide the college with a copy of Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) of a minimum of $ 1,000,000 (one million dollars) along with the application form.
  4. Your continuing education credits should be up to date.
  5. Your photo must be updated.


  1. Upon completion of the document, SCO will contact you for payment of fees within 7 business days.
  2.  After payment, you will receive a licence to your business address through Canada Post mail.

How to Reinstate your Licence

STEP 1:  

  1. Inform the SCO by filling out the application form for reinstatement.
  2.  Applicants must ensure that they fill out the correct form that it is duly filled and that all the required documents and declarations are complete and attached while submitting. The form along with all the documents shall be sent by email to
  3. You must provide the college with a Criminal Record Check (CRC) Report from Sterling as outlined in Administrative Policy No. 012.
  4. You must provide the college with a copy of Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) of a minimum of $ 1,000,000 (one million dollars).
  5. Your continuing education credits should be up to date before the reinstatement process.

STEP 2:  

  1. Upon completion of the document, the SCO council will review your reinstatement application.
  2.  After approval from the council, SCO will contact you for payment of fees within 15 business days.


  1. Former members who leave the profession for more than three years, and who have not retained their active status, regardless of whether their continuing education credits are up to date, may at the discretion of the Regulation Committee, complete the Competitive Gap Analysis (CGA) process with NACOR. The CGA is an online multiple-choice assessment.  You will receive a rating of At or Below an entry-level optician for each competency that you are assessed on.
    • If you rate Below on any of the competencies, you will be assigned bridging that you must complete before you are eligible for the NACOR Licensing Examination.
    • If you rate Above, you must be registered with the college by following a Restricted Licence procedure and pay the reinstatement and licence fees to the college.
    • You must work under supervision throughout and challenge the NACOR Licensing Examination within the prescribed time.
    • After successful completion of the NACOR Licensing Examination you will be issued a full licence at your business address.

How to apply for a Student Optician Licence / Student Contact Lens Practitioner

STEP 1:  

  1. Send the application Form to the SCO Office through email at along with the Supervisory Agreement and payment of fees.
  2. Applicants must ensure that they fill out the correct form and that all the required documents are complete and attached while submitting. Submission of incomplete applications or documents can result in delay or rejection by the SCO.
  3. You must provide the college with your recent photograph in .jpg or .jpeg format with a neutral background along with a copy of Canadian government-issued photo identification.
  4. If the student opts for a distance learning program, you must simultaneously apply for the same program.
  5. If the student is enrolled in a regular program, you must provide proof of your enrolment with the application form.


  1. After SCO receives a confirmation of your enrolment with NAIT / another NACOR-accredited school, SCO will process your application and issue you a licence within 5 business days.
  2. You must pay student licence fees either through e-transfer or credit card by providing a credit authorization form or cheque along with the Registration fees.
  3. A student licence is valid for one academic year and must be renewed by the expiry date if enrolled in a second year or repeating a section in their optical program.
  4. Licence will be dispatched to your business address through Canada Post mail.