Making a Complaint

The Opticians Code of Ethics is to ensure that the welfare of patients is uppermost at all times. All patients should be treated equally with respect and without discrimination. Opticians should keep all patient information in strict confidence unless expressly authorized by the patient or the law.

Should you feel that you have had an experience to the contrary, please let the College know. The SCO investigates all complaints related to an Opticians professional practice.

The SCO does not have the authority to investigate concerns about monetary issues such as prices, poor service, or poor manners of the Optician. These concerns should be referred to the Practice Manager.

You may file a complaint against an Optician through the Saskatchewan College of Opticians office. All complaints must be submitted in writing and should be as detailed as possible. Please include your own contact information and the name and place of practice of the person you are making the complaint against. All complaints will be treated confidentially.

To send a complaint via email, please send to  To send in a complaint via mail, please send to:

Saskatchewan College of Opticians
PO Box 9144, Stn Main
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 7E8

Complaint Form

    Your Name:

    Your Email Address:

    Phone Number:

    Preferred Contact Method:

    Optician / Contact Lens Practitioner's Name:

    Business Name:

    Business Address:

    Services Received:

    Date of Service:

    Details about your experience:

    What is your desired outcome:

    Upload supporting documents (if any):